Siemens FEMAP v11.3.x NXNastran v11.0.1 Update 英文版正式版(DVD版)
This isz file includes binaries to update Femap 11.3.x to NX Nastran 11.0.1
* Extract the new version of NX Nastran to a temporary location.
* In Femap 11.3.x browse to and replace the entire \nastran directory with the one extracted earlier.
* You must now update the location of the NX Nastran scratch directory: Edit the file \Femap113x\nastran\conf\nast11.rcf and update scratch directory location ?TEMP?in the line below to an existing directory where NX Nastran scratch files are to be written.
In a default installation, Sdir will be defined as follows ?
Where the directory, C:\scratch is available and writeable by the user.
Siemens FEMAP v10.3.1 with NX Nastran x86 英文正式版(DVD)
Siemens FEMAP v11.4.2 Win64 英文版正式版(DVD版)
Siemens FEMAP v11.3.2 Win64 繁體中文/簡體/英文版正式版(有限元素分析軟體)(DVD版)
Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2019.1 with NX Nastran 有限元建模和後處理 英文/簡體/繁體中文版(DVD版)
Siemens FEMAP v12.0.1a 有限元建模和後處理 英文/簡體/繁體中文版(DVD版)
Siemens FEMAP 11.4.2 有限元素分析 英文/簡體/繁體中文版(DVD版)
Siemens FEMAP v11.4.1.Win64 英文版正式版(DVD版)